Our featured items when you donate to this ministry: Wide Is The Gate: The Emerging New Christianity & Islam Rising DVD & Wide Is The Gate: The Emerging New Christianity DVD - Today's new brand of Christianity has a different gospel and is targeting thousands of the younger generation with a so-called hip, cool, experiential spirituality, much of which is embracing a form of mysticism with the ecumenical philosophy of uniting people from all faiths to work together and bring about a new world of peace and harmony. This notion dovetails with the heart of New Age thinking and the utopian ideals of many world religions who all await their religious leaders and dreams of world domination. The dangerous result of this new spirituality in the church is bringing about the rise of today's "Christianized" occultism. It's stretching its tentacles around the souls of unsuspecting youth, setting them up for the lie that subjective emotions of "power" and "experience" are "feelings" to be held higher than an objective walk in the Christian Faith, based in Truth found in the Pure Word of God. The Bible warns of great heresy and apostasy in the church of the last days. It foretells of false teachers, prophets, doctrines of lying spirits and their signs and wonders. For 2000 years, since the crucifixion of Jesus Christ the Bible has been attacked. Alongside the Apostolic Church, based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and his apostles, counterfeit Christian heretics, apostate denominations and false movements have proliferated. Ecclesiastes says, "There's no new thing under the sun". (I:9) Learn what Scripture teaches about the times we live in, the ways in which Christians are being seduced away from Biblical Truth, and the methods used by the New Spirituality to usher in the counterfeit Kingdom of God on earth. Jesus said, "My Kingdom is not of this world" and "Narrow is the Way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it." Islam Rising DVD - This fast moving presentation powerfully unravels the complexity of Islam as not only a growing political force, but an overall, engulfing legal, economic, military, dietary, social and religious system of life. Four forty-minute programs reveal Islam's founder and prophet Muhammad, his teachings, Islam's 1400 year blood-thirsty history, Islam's contemporary threat and growing impact in the West, and its plan for world domination - Ummah. Renowned authors, authorities on Islam, and former Muslim terrorists, Kamal Saleem, Walid Shoebat and Zachariah Anani present eye-opening information. Three women: former Muslim and Author Nonie Darwish, Arah journalist and Author Brigitte Gabriel, and former convert to Islam, Author W.L.Cati, convey their rich and sobering perspectives. Lecturers and Authors Dr. Ron Carlson, Dr. William Wagner and Dr. Peter Hammond explain the Qur'an's teachings on holy "jihad" war, abuse of women, children and "infidels", polygamy, slavery and the cruel requirements towards Jews, Christians and all who will not submit to Allah. In a 25-minute bonus program Kamal Saleem, raised a terrorist from childhood, tells his remarkable story from promoting Islam to becoming an Ambassador for Jesus Christ. |
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