Tuesday, September 27, 2011

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The Daniel Project DVD
Scottish film production company, Studio Scotland Ltd, releases their latest documentary film entitled The Daniel Project. Years of research and two years in the making, this DVD series has captured the attention of viewers around the world with it's investigative approach to the subject of Bible Prophecy. Dozens and dozens of ancient predictions appear to be unfolding one after the other with astonishing accuracy… and they appear to be gathering momentum…

Christians claim Bible prophecy is being fulfilled before the world's eyes and is one of the clearest proofs that God exists - if that's true, who better to investigate these prophetic claims and put them to the test than a skeptic.

The film begins with the presenter, self-confessed atheist, voice-over artist Jeremy Hitchen, accepting the challenge to investigate the plausibility of ancient prophecies.

Armed with a dossier, Jeremy investigates each prophecy with the help of expert contributor interviews, location filming and news archive. In turn, he shares his own thoughts and findings with the viewer as the first prophecy points to an absolute event, observed in recent history. As each successive prediction unfolds it soon becomes clear that these mysterious texts are not easily dismissed.

Some of the prophecies that Jeremy examines include:

1. The scattering and Exile of the Jews who will also be persecuted
2. In the Last Days - the Jews would return to the Land of Israel
3. Jerusalem will be the center of world tensions
4. Pools of water will appear in the desert and the land will blossom with fruits and vineyards
5. Increase in the frequency and size of natural disasters
6. Spiritual Deception and Apostasy Leading To A False Religious Leader
7. Lawlessness, Social/Moral Breakdown
8. Global Governance With a Single Leader
9. Global Leader To Guarantee Peace Treaty With Israel
10. Emergence of New Technologies
11. Rebuilding of The Jewish Temple
12. Rise of the Kings of the East
13. The global conditions necessary for Armageddon

The Daniel Project puts these prophecies under a journalistic microscope, discovering that many appear to have already come to pass – some are in the process of happening now – and the remainder may usher in the end of the world as we know it. Many believe that overwhelming evidence points to the fact that we are the generation that will see all these events fulfilled.

This special edition set contains a free bonus 82minute DVD with additional interviews including Bible expositor Jacob Prasch addressing the questions of skeptic presenter Jeremy Hitchens. Some of the important Biblical questions asked include:

1. What makes this generation unique to any other generation in history?
2. What makes the Bible different than any other world religion?
3. What is the difference between Biblical Christianity and Religion
4. How accurate is Bible Prophecy?
5. What is the significance of Jerusalem?
6. What is their suffering in the world?
7. Why did God create Satan/Mankind if he knew we would fall?
8. What can I do to escape the coming judgment?

Jacob also details his personal testimony from an agnostic to how the proofs of Bible Prophecy led him to a relationship with Jesus Christ.

This DVD challenges Christian and non-Christian alike to examine the prophecies of scripture and come to your own conclusion.

Feasts of the Lord 4 DVD Set (+ Bonus DVD) by Mark Biltz
The sonorous call of the ram's horn – the Shofar (click here to listen to an amazing blowing of the Shofar) – will herald the start of Rosh HaShanah, the Jewish New Year this September, and nearly a month of holidays in the Hebrew month of Tishrei.

The names of some of these holy days include the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) and the Feast of Tabernacles, all loaded rich with meaning about God's plan of salvation for humanity.

The Feasts of the Lord are perhaps one of the most important outlines God has given us to his prophetic plan for the ages, yet sadly it is also one of the least studied and understood by Christians today.

The term feasts in Hebrew literally means "appointed times."

Leviticus 23 teaches us that God also has a calendar. And on that calendar are some appointments. These appointments were part of a divine covenant between God and his people that were instituted at Mt. Sinai and were to be observed every year.

For the past 3,500 years these feasts have been observed by the Jewish people. Yet sadly the Jewish people have missed the very purpose of the feasts they have been observing.

God has carefully planned and orchestrated the timing and sequence of each of these seven feasts to reveal to us a special story.

Each detail observed in these feasts has tremendous significance not only to understanding our own faith but to understanding God’s plan for the ages. Both past and future.

Very few Christians are aware of how Jesus fulfilled the Spring Feasts to the very day of their celebration and in the exact manner by which they are celebrated. Likewise, God's pattern reveals to us to expect the remaining Fall feasts to be fulfilled to the very day and manner as well.

Pastor Mark Biltz, A Christian teacher with Hebraic roots will take you through each of the feasts and demonstrate to you their importance to the lives of believers today as well as their prophetic significance.

As we enter this time of the Fall Feasts, this is the time to take advantage of learning about this important subject.

In addition, a Bonus DVD is included with this series that demonstrates the significance of eclipses (signs in the heavens) with important historical events in Israel and possible prophetic significance.

Thank you for your support. Our regular headline newsletter edition will be out shortly.


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Biblical Prophecy In The News

Keeping You Informed of World Events From A Biblical Perspective

Our featured items when you donate to this ministry:
The Feasts of the Lord & Wide Is The Gate: The Emerging New Christianity
Feasts of the Lord 4 DVD Set - The sonorous call of the ram's horn - the Shofar (click here to listen to an amazing blowing of the Shofar) will begin the start of Rosh HaShanah this September, the Jewish New Year, and nearly a month of holidays in the Hebrew month of Tishrei. The names of some of these holy days include the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) and the Feast of Tabernacles, all loaded rich with meaning about God's plan of salvation for humanity. The Feasts of the Lord are perhaps one of the most important outlines God has given us to his prophetic plan for the ages, yet sadly it is also one of the least studied and understood by Christians today. The term feasts in Hebrew literally means "appointed times." God has carefully planned and orchestrated the timing and sequence of each of these seven feasts to reveal to us a special story. Each detail observed in these feasts has tremendous significance not only to understanding our own faith but to understanding God's plan for the ages. Both past and future. Very few Christians are aware of how Jesus fulfilled the Spring Feasts to the very day of their celebration and in the exact manner by which they are celebrated. Likewise, God's pattern reveals to us to expect the remaining Fall feasts to be fulfilled to the very day and manner as well. Pastor Mark Biltz, a Christian teacher with Hebraic roots will take you through each of the feasts and demonstrate to you their importance to the lives of believers today as well as their prophetic significance. As we enter this time of the Fall Feasts, this is the time to take advantage of learning about this important subject. In addition, a Bonus DVD is included with this series that demonstrates the significance of eclipses (signs in the heavens) with important historical events and possible prophetic significance...
Wide Is The Gate: The Emerging New Christianity DVD - Today's new brand of Christianity has a different gospel and is targeting thousands of the younger generation with a so-called hip, cool, experiential spirituality, much of which is embracing a form of mysticism with the ecumenical philosophy of uniting people from all faiths to work together and bring about a new world of peace and harmony. This notion dovetails with the heart of New Age thinking and the utopian ideals of many world religions who all await their religious leaders and dreams of world domination. The dangerous result of this new spirituality in the church is bringing about the rise of today's "Christianized" occultism. It's stretching its tentacles around the souls of unsuspecting youth, setting them up for the lie that subjective emotions of "power" and "experience" are "feelings" to be held higher than an objective walk in the Christian Faith, based in Truth found in the Pure Word of God. The Bible warns of great heresy and apostasy in the church of the last days. It foretells of false teachers, prophets, doctrines of lying spirits and their signs and wonders. For 2000 years, since the crucifixion of Jesus Christ the Bible has been attacked. Alongside the Apostolic Church, based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and his apostles, counterfeit Christian heretics, apostate denominations and false movements have proliferated. Ecclesiastes says, "There's no new thing under the sun". (I:9) Learn what Scripture teaches about the times we live in, the ways in which Christians are being seduced away from Biblical Truth, and the methods used by the New Spirituality to usher in the counterfeit Kingdom of God on earth. Jesus said, "My Kingdom is not of this world" and "Narrow is the Way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it."

Prophetic Trends & Headline News

Where is the U.S. in Bible Prophecy?
Israel - God's Timepiece
A Revived Roman Empire?
The Gog/Magog War
Apostate Christianity
The Rise of Islam
Increase in Knowledge & New Technologies
Christian Worldview & Issues
Other Events To Watch
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Survive The Coming Storm Book: The Value of a Preparedness Lifestyle 
By Ray Gano

Whenever a major disaster or emergency strikes, millions of lives can be turned upside down in an instant.

The reality is that a major disaster or emergency has happened somewhere in the United States almost every single month so far this year, and it is only a matter of time before you and your family will be faced with another disaster or emergency.

No plan is perfect, but if you have a plan you are going to be far better off than if you do not have a plan.

September is "National Preparedness Month", so now is a great time to focus on preparing your family for the future disasters and emergencies that are inevitably coming.

There has been considerable buzz on the Internet about the approaching Comet Elenin.  What many do not know is the interesting connection between this comet, the upcoming feast of Trumpets and other signs in the heavens.  The first clip will give you a 10 min overview as to its potential significance.  The second clip is a much more in-depth look at this subject for those wanting to dig deeper.
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Saturday, September 17, 2011


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      Today's Bible Study Updated Monday-Friday ... Bible Study Archives All Bible studies at Gods Word ... Link to Online NIV Bible opens in a new window Online ...
    3. ON WORD OF GOD (BIBLE: News Flash, Nigerian Newspapers,on ...

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      Abraham established the settlement which today is the city of Makkah, and built the ... The Quran, the last revealed Word of God, is the prime source of every ...
    5. Chinua Achebe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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      /ˈtʃɪnwɑː əˈtʃɛbeɪ/) is a Nigerian novelist, poet, professor, and critic. ... No Longer at Ease (1960), Arrow of God (1964), A Man of the People (1966), and Anthills ... named in a similar fusion of traditional words relating to their new religion: Frank .... after a line in the poem "The Second Coming" by William Butler Yeats). ...
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    7. The Sun News On-line | Opinion

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      10 Mar 2011 – Firstly, we give praise and thanks to the Almighty God, the Father and Creator, who never ... Jonathan has added a new word, rascal, into the political lexicon of Nigeria. ... Today, we are now witnesses to the result of his plan. ...
    8. The Vine | Free Christian daily devotionals, articles, forums, blogs ...

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      The Word For You Today ... many people who grieve over a loved one who has died, that Jesus spoke these wonderful words. ... God-sPoeticPrincess's picture ...

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      13 Apr 2011 – Jegelectionocracy is a new word I think necessary to be included in the lexicon ... Those days, the pople would line up at the polling boots only to be laughed ... In the Scriptures, when God wanted anything done right, He sent a ... Professor Attahiru Jega, history is being made through you in Nigeria today. ...
    10. The 7 Last Words of Christ from the Cross - A Devotional Bible Study ...

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      An e-mail Bible study on the Seven Last Words of Christ from the cross to help prepare ... (John 19:26-27); "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me? ... If you like, you can post your answers or thoughts in our online Forum or read others' ... New Calendonia, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, Norfolk Island ...
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    - UCB

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    UCB - Online Christian Radio and TV, Online Christian Radio, Word for Today Daily Devotional, UCB Information and News, Prayerline, Receive Prayer Today ...
  1. Gods Word Ministry bible study and devotions

    godswordonline.net/ - CachedSimilar
    Today's Bible Study Updated Monday-Friday ... Bible Study Archives All Bible studies at Gods Word ... Link to Online NIV Bible opens in a new window Online ...
  2. ON WORD OF GOD (BIBLE: News Flash, Nigerian Newspapers,on ...

    admin-onwordofgodbible.blogspot.com/.../news-flash-nigerian-... - Cached
    7 Aug 2011 – Nigeria #1 Online Shop ... the General Overseer of With God Prayer Ministry & Gospel Church International. ... Most of the nation's today's ...
  3. Understanding Islam and Muslims

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    Abraham established the settlement which today is the city of Makkah, and built the ... The Quran, the last revealed Word of God, is the prime source of every ...
  4. Chinua Achebe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinua_Achebe - CachedSimilar
    /ˈtʃɪnwɑː əˈtʃɛbeɪ/) is a Nigerian novelist, poet, professor, and critic. ... No Longer at Ease (1960), Arrow of God (1964), A Man of the People (1966), and Anthills ... named in a similar fusion of traditional words relating to their new religion: Frank .... after a line in the poem "The Second Coming" by William Butler Yeats). ...
  5. msnbc.com - World news, Africa news, Europe news, Asia, the ...

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    A daily round-up of the latest international news from msnbc.com and its partners, including NBC News, Newsweek and the Washington Post. With features and ...
  6. The Sun News On-line | Opinion

    www.sunnewsonline.com/webpages/.../opinion-10-03-2010-002.ht... - Cached
    10 Mar 2011 – Firstly, we give praise and thanks to the Almighty God, the Father and Creator, who never ... Jonathan has added a new word, rascal, into the political lexicon of Nigeria. ... Today, we are now witnesses to the result of his plan. ...
  7. The Vine | Free Christian daily devotionals, articles, forums, blogs ...

    www.thevinetoday.com/ - CachedSimilar
    The Word For You Today ... many people who grieve over a loved one who has died, that Jesus spoke these wonderful words. ... God-sPoeticPrincess's picture ...

    www.modernghana.com/news/.../jegeletionocracy-the-new-lexicon-i... - Cached
    13 Apr 2011 – Jegelectionocracy is a new word I think necessary to be included in the lexicon ... Those days, the pople would line up at the polling boots only to be laughed ... In the Scriptures, when God wanted anything done right, He sent a ... Professor Attahiru Jega, history is being made through you in Nigeria today. ...
  9. The 7 Last Words of Christ from the Cross - A Devotional Bible Study ...

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    An e-mail Bible study on the Seven Last Words of Christ from the cross to help prepare ... (John 19:26-27); "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me? ... If you like, you can post your answers or thoughts in our online Forum or read others' ... New Calendonia, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, Norfolk Island ...
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